I Don’t Always Hide Behind The Door #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I don't always hide behind doors But when I do it's because you invited strangers over. #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld“But I’m always a-door-able.”

— Calvin T. Katz, The Most Interesting Cat In The World.

Stay comfy, my friends.

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7 Comments on "I Don’t Always Hide Behind The Door #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld"

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  1. databbiesotrouttowne says:

    dood…eye heer ya on thiz one tho me N cuzin dai$y like ta hide
    UTB ~~

    mackerull boomr junior butterfeeld ♥♥

  2. Jan says:

    And they never bring tuna or catnip

  3. meowmeowmans says:

    Ava agrees 100% with you, Calvin!

  4. I usually hide under the bed when there’s strangers in the house. ~Ernie

  5. I have no idea where my cats end up when we have people over. I can never find them until they are good and ready to come out!

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