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Tag: Wordless Wednesday
Two dogs at the top of the stairs. Two cats in the middle of a stare down. What happens next?
pondering physics
gravity’s indifference
ball fell down the stairs
so nice of you to
provide a pile of clean clothes
fresh from the dryer
My cats keep me company when I write…and sometimes help type, too.
which room to lie in
it’s a cat’s prerogative
to choose not to choose
After a bath, Lilah the dog goes through the spin cycle.
I got a little help from my dogs and cats in coming up with New Year’s Resolutions for 2014.
What’s better than a chase in the snow?
from up here I see
many things, including the
bald spot on your head
He likes snow, but hates getting wet.
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...