Tag: window

Haiku by Cat: Ignored

Haiku by Cat: Ignored

curled up in soft bed
enveloped by sun’s poured warmth
snow can be ignored

Text from Dog: There was a squirrel

Text from Dog: There was a squirrel

Because I need to know.

Waiting at the Window: My dogs send me on a guilt trip.

Waiting at the Window: My dogs send me on a guilt trip.

They think I’m never coming back.

Text from Cat: Dinner is late

Text from Cat: Dinner is late

Late for dinner

Text from Dog: Full report

Text from Dog: Full report

I always get the full report.

Visual Purr

Visual Purr

A purr, in black and white

Text from Cat: You took your lap

Text from Cat: You took your lap

Dawn has a request

Window Watcher: My cat keeps her eyes on me

Window Watcher: My cat keeps her eyes on me

Dawn supervises outdoor activities.

Haiku by Cat: Untasted

Haiku by Cat: Untasted

out of reach, alas
winged prey alights, sings, soars and
escapes untasted

Story: Dogs and cats living together

Story: Dogs and cats living together

My dogs and cats might not understand each other, but they do get along. Mostly.