Tag: Tucker

Haiku by Dog: Stretch

Haiku by Dog: Stretch

the benefits of
an excellent stretch cannot
be overrated

The Last Snow of the Season

The Last Snow of the Season

Officially declaring winter over

Sir Tucker Terrier Reaches the Summit of Mount Neverest

Sir Tucker Terrier Reaches the Summit of Mount Neverest

Because it was there.

Text from Dog: They’re out there!

Text from Dog: They’re out there!

…and they’re up to no good

On Top of Everything…

On Top of Everything…

It’s lonely at the top.

Snow Dog Lives

Snow Dog Lives

Snow dog looks pretty good for his age.

That Snow Dog!

That Snow Dog!

Lilah makes a friend.

Haiku by Dog: Not

Haiku by Dog: Not

freshly fallen snow
fun to run, leap and play in
until it is not

Rules of Dog: The Other Dog Always Has the Best Stick

Rules of Dog: The Other Dog Always Has the Best Stick

Dogs stealing sticks

A Dog’s Joy: Snow, a Stick, and Room to Run

A Dog’s Joy: Snow, a Stick, and Room to Run

Tucker displays his stick-to-it-attitude.