Tag: snow

Photo: Go with the snow

Photo: Go with the snow

Sometimes you just gotta go with the snow. My 3 dogs are so used to it, they don’t even notice it.

Haiku by Dog: How

Haiku by Dog: How

question arises
from within snow’s cold depths: how
do I lift my leg?

Story:  Walking on Ice

Story: Walking on Ice

Freezing rain on top of snow created a frozen surface that held the weight of my dogs–and totally confused them.

Photo: Snow wonder

Photo: Snow wonder

It’s good to be a cat, looking out on a sea of frozen snow.

Text from Dog: Beardcicles

Text from Dog: Beardcicles

Haiku by Dog: Pink

Haiku by Dog: Pink

snout deep in cold snow
gently lifted, powdered white
licked clean by pink tongue

Photo: Standing tall on the snow

Photo: Standing tall on the snow

Crazy winter: 70-pound Jasper stands on top of the snow

Story: Snow Strategy

Story: Snow Strategy

Once snow gets to a certain depth, dogs need strategies to be able to move through it–and their methods reveal a bit of each dog’s personality.

Haiku by Dog: Snowman

Haiku by Dog: Snowman

white frozen mantle
covering earth, hiding sticks
snowman lost an arm

Photo: Blank Canvas

Photo: Blank Canvas

Lilah, Tucker and Jasper contemplate the blank canvas of untrampled snow.