Tag: photo

Cat gargoyle

Cat gargoyle

Cat as gargoyle. The photo says it all.

Photo: Cat Stairing

Photo: Cat Stairing

One stair rules them all.

Happy Dog Moose

Happy Dog Moose

Merry Christmas from the gang!

Photo: 3 dogs smile for the camera

Photo: 3 dogs smile for the camera

My newest favorite photo

Photo: Sun Worship-purr

Photo: Sun Worship-purr

Calvin soaks in the sun’s warmth as it illuminates his whiskers.

Photo: Calvin, one classy cat

Photo: Calvin, one classy cat

He’s a cuddler. He’s a hunter. He’s a lounger. He’s an explorer. Calvin is one classy cat.

Photo: What I see in a dog’s eyes

Photo: What I see in a dog’s eyes

What’s in a dog’s eyes? Trust. Wisdom. Love. Character, opinions, humor. A soul.

Photo: The scent of frustration

Photo: The scent of frustration

Tucker can smell that groundhog who disappeared under the shed. But he Just. Can’t. Reach. Him.

Photo: Zen Cat

Photo: Zen Cat

Living with a cat is like living with a Zen master.

Photo: Cat on a windowsill

Photo: Cat on a windowsill

Finalist in Cats Climbing High photo contest