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Tag: Jasper
Some dogs like to cool off in the kiddie pool. Other don’t even want to get their feet wet.
A Touching Moment
Doggy Meet Up
Jasper Hears the Car
The UPS Guy
Jasper Misses Mom
My family room features several large windows that overlook a stone patio and a shade garden. Hanging throughout the garden are a few bird feeders. Well, more than a few. Actually, more than a dozen. I love watching birds at my feeders. It’s mesmerizing and fascinating. In a post a few months ago, I included […]
Jasper has surgery to remove his anal sacs that we constantly becoming infected. It was a rough ride, but he does okay, even if he has to wear the Cone of Shame.
Scene I: At the Movies I am a movie fan; I love a good flick. Though I tend to enjoy independent films and those not made by the Hollywood machine, I try to be open to other movie experiences. That said, there is one type of film I studiously avoid: any movie where there is […]
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Corinne’s student film, from a dog and cat perspective.
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...