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Tag: haiku by cat
raindrops dance in a
delightful performance, but
I’d rather watch birds
dropped my catnip mouse
now the other cat has it
gravity’s evil
fitting within or
spilling over edges, cats
are liquids with choice
laundry basket? no.
it’s just another type of
box to hang out in
today’s position
paws bunched like broccoli: low-carb
version of cat loaf
a cat’s purr-spective
shelves are a convenient stack
of sideways boxes
like a well-placed chair
thrumming with chi energy
the feng shui of cats
freshly laundered sheets
warmth from dryer lingering
purr-fect place to rest
basket full of toys
feathers, bells and nip. boring!
amuse me, human
drawn to the light
moths flutter attractively
so close, yet so far
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...