Tag: haiku by cat

Haiku by Cat: Unbearable

Haiku by Cat: Unbearable

unbearable to
endure existence apart
bathroom door is closed

Haiku by Cat: Nice

Haiku by Cat: Nice

so nice of you to
provide a pile of clean clothes
fresh from the dryer

Haiku by Cat: Choices

Haiku by Cat: Choices

which room to lie in
it’s a cat’s prerogative
to choose not to choose

Haiku by Cat: Occupation

Haiku by Cat: Occupation

left unattended
fair game for occupation
this chair is now mine

Haiku by Cat: Energy

Haiku by Cat: Energy

a box can contain
restless coiled energy
for only so long

Haiku by Cat: Whispers

Haiku by Cat: Whispers

floating whispers heard
silently I disappear
missed vet appointment

Haiku by Cat: Dangers

Haiku by Cat: Dangers

tread with speed and care
for who knows what dangers lurk
underneath the couch

Haiku by Cat: Seeing

Haiku by Cat: Seeing

from up here I see
many things, including the
bald spot on your head

Haiku by Cat: Skybox

Haiku by Cat: Skybox

best seat in the house
watching the show in comfort
skybox for the cat

Haiku by cat: Height

Haiku by cat: Height

height is knowledge gained
one question left unanswered
how do I get down?