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Tag: haiku
the return can be
almost as satisfying
as the quest itself
laundry is best done
with wise advice and help from
a convenient cat
ordered the tuna
minutes later, still waiting
service here is slow
nothing’s better than
a refreshing roll in the
crisp green grass of spring
most comfortable chair
don’t even think of sitting
the cat was here first
circle is complete
with no beginning or end
cat abides within
artful tablecloth
hides friendly cleaning service
better than Roomba
no thumbs, yet she plays
music: a cat concerto
for color printer
silently he creeps
unobserved, stealth embodied
door was left ajar
window seat for dog
outside, squirrels and chipmunks taunt
buy Windex in bulk
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...