Tag: haiku

Haiku by Cat: Box

Haiku by Cat: Box

contentment found in
cardboard walls, lid optional
size doesn’t matter

Haiku by Dog: Scratched

Haiku by Dog: Scratched

I really don’t know
how the door got scratched like that.
Ask one of the cats.

Haiku by Cat: Glass

Haiku by Cat: Glass

if not for this glass–
cruel impassable window–
squirrel, you would be mine

Haiku by Dog: Trail

Haiku by Dog: Trail

revealing secrets
trail speaks of visitors past
a dog’s nose knows all

Haiku by Cat: Birdwatching

Haiku by Cat: Birdwatching

One goldfinch, a pair
of cardinals, three mourning doves, and
a chipmunk. So far.

Haiku by Dog: Dreams

Haiku by Dog: Dreams

heading up to bed
dreams of bones and squirrels delayed
cat is on the stairs

Haiku by Cat: Splendor

Haiku by Cat: Splendor

cat at rest reveals
sumptuous feline splendor
even on cardboard

Haiku by Dog: Promise

Haiku by Dog: Promise

a dog considers
the promise of rustling leaves
squirrel, chipmunk or wind

Haiku by Cat: Change

Haiku by Cat: Change

Rub my belly. No.
Changed my mind. Scratch my chin. No.
Now rub my belly.

Haiku by Dog: Smile

Haiku by Dog: Smile

resting up before
the next game of chase begins
friends share a smile