Tag: haiku

Haiku by Dog: Routine

Haiku by Dog: Routine

dog’s morning routine:
stretch, yawn, then ponder whether
it’s worth getting up

Haiku by Cat: Exist

Haiku by Cat: Exist

if dog walks by and
cat does not acknowledge him
does he exist?

Haiku by Dog: Court

Haiku by Dog: Court

holding court from top
of snow pile, a small dog can
rule until it melts

Haiku by Cat: Cloak

Haiku by Cat: Cloak

cloaked by folds of a
carelessly hung coat, hunter
waits, ready to pounce

Haiku by Cat: Math

Haiku by Cat: Math

advanced math is not
needed to determine when
cat’s dinner is late

Haiku by Dog: Tilt

Haiku by Dog: Tilt

cuteness increases
along with the chance of treats
as a dog’s head tilts

Haiku by Cat: Fashion

Haiku by Cat: Fashion

most fashion faux “paws”
can be repaired with cat hair
artfully applied

Haiku by Dog: Snowflakes

Haiku by Dog: Snowflakes

intricate snowflakes
gather in frozen clusters make
cold nose colder

Haiku by Cat: Ignored

Haiku by Cat: Ignored

curled up in soft bed
enveloped by sun’s poured warmth
snow can be ignored

Haiku by Dog: 12 Haiku Written By Dogs, Inspired By Snow

Haiku by Dog: 12 Haiku Written By Dogs, Inspired By Snow

Snow-inspired Haiku by Dog