Tag: Elsa Clair

Photo: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Photo: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Sometimes love is there all along but you don’t see it.

Story: Cat climbs stairs

Story: Cat climbs stairs

Elsa Clair could climb stairs the way everyone else does. But she’d rather be creative.

Photo: The Help

Photo: The Help

My cats keep me company when I write…and sometimes help type, too.

Story: Fit to Print: cats love printers

Story: Fit to Print: cats love printers

What is it about cats and printers? Elsa Clair is fascinated by the machine and its buttons.

Story: Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

Story: Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

Highlights from Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day.

A different persepective: Interview with the cats

A different persepective: Interview with the cats

Normally I write in my own voice, but this time, I let my cats talk–in an interview. Dawn, Athena, Elsa Clair and Calvin sit down and talk with the Funny Famer Felines for Mousebreath.com.

Text from Cat: Why are you leaving?

Text from Cat: Why are you leaving?

Haiku by Cat: Energy

Haiku by Cat: Energy

a box can contain
restless coiled energy
for only so long

Photo: Sorting it out

Photo: Sorting it out

Calvin and Elsa Clair are the helpful sorts.

Text from Cat: A request

Text from Cat: A request


By January 9, 2014 Read More →