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Tag: Elsa Clair
Sometimes love is there all along but you don’t see it.
Elsa Clair could climb stairs the way everyone else does. But she’d rather be creative.
My cats keep me company when I write…and sometimes help type, too.
What is it about cats and printers? Elsa Clair is fascinated by the machine and its buttons.
Highlights from Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day.
Normally I write in my own voice, but this time, I let my cats talk–in an interview. Dawn, Athena, Elsa Clair and Calvin sit down and talk with the Funny Famer Felines for
a box can contain
restless coiled energy
for only so long
Calvin and Elsa Clair are the helpful sorts.
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...