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Tag: cats
Jellybean paws and bumper car tails. Silky head rubs and slow blinks of welcome. I am thankful for cats.
A brief moment of calm in a household with 3 dogs and 4 cats. Until chaos in the form of Elsa Clair enters the picture.
My cats love Doctor Who. I always suspected they were aliens. Now I’m convinced.
The real story behind the “cats don’t like to be petted” study. Some cats do like it; you know who they are. Better yet, cats who don’t like to be touched do better in a multicat househousehold.
Two of our cats, Elsa Clair and Calvin, play the Circle Game with Jasper dog, rubbing in and out and around and under. He doesn’t seem to mind.
Who invited them?
Until the new people leave
I’ll be under here
There’s something about cats and stairs…and stares.
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...