Tag: cat

Text from Cat: Humans are weird

Text from Cat: Humans are weird

Bedder for the cat

I Don’t Always Stare At You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Stare At You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I’m performing a Jedi mind trick.

Haiku by Cat: Understand

Haiku by Cat: Understand

I don’t understand
why cats are not allowed on
the kitchen table

I Don’t Always Hide In My Cave #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Hide In My Cave #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I’ll jump out and pounce you.

I Don’t Always Sit On Your Lap During Dinner #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Sit On Your Lap During Dinner #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I make it really hard for you to eat.

Haiku by Cat: Prey

Haiku by Cat: Prey

away from the herd
vulnerable and lost
perfect prey: a sock

Text from Cat: The Horror

Text from Cat: The Horror

Athena will never understand human behavior.

I Don’t Always Look Out The Window #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Look Out The Window #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I will find something fascinating to watch.

I Don’t Always Hide Behind The Door #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Hide Behind The Door #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, it’s because you invited strangers over.

Text From Cat: Again

Text From Cat: Again

Puns and purrs