Tag: cat

Ketsishe Rose: My grandmother, the original cat lady

Ketsishe Rose: My grandmother, the original cat lady

The original “cat lady.”

My Cat is a Great Coworker, and She Might Even Like Me

My Cat is a Great Coworker, and She Might Even Like Me

My writing partner, Elsa Clair

Bathus Interruptus

Bathus Interruptus

Graceful groomer to hyper-focused hunter

Rearranging My Home for the Heat-seeking Devices Known as Cats

Rearranging My Home for the Heat-seeking Devices Known as Cats

Time to vent

Haiku by Cat: Math

Haiku by Cat: Math

advanced math is not
needed to determine when
cat’s dinner is late

Meditation on a Cat’s Tail

Meditation on a Cat’s Tail

Your moment of zen

Text from Cat: Members of the Acatemy

Text from Cat: Members of the Acatemy

Oscar puns

Black and White in Black and White in Black and White

Black and White in Black and White in Black and White

Because I can…

Text from Cat: Dinner plans

Text from Cat: Dinner plans

Served cold…

Haiku by Cat: Fashion

Haiku by Cat: Fashion

most fashion faux “paws”
can be repaired with cat hair
artfully applied