Tag: cat

Text from Cat: Do not mock the panther

Text from Cat: Do not mock the panther

Mocking cat

Haiku by Cat: Chill

Haiku by Cat: Chill

perched above it all
purrs in tune with AC’s hum
new way to chill out

Text from Cat: An affront

Text from Cat: An affront

A spot of bother

Text from Dog: Judge not

Text from Dog: Judge not

You be the judge.

Text from Cat: You can thank me later

Text from Cat: You can thank me later

Fur goes with everything

Elsa Clair’s Gold Medal Purr-formance on the Cat Uneven Bars

Elsa Clair’s Gold Medal Purr-formance on the Cat Uneven Bars

Elsa Clair goes for the gold!

Dogs and Cats Make the U.S. Sleep Team for Competitive Sleeping

Dogs and Cats Make the U.S. Sleep Team for Competitive Sleeping

Going for the gold

Lucky Penny: A #ClearTheShelters Cat Adoption Story (Part 2)

Lucky Penny: A #ClearTheShelters Cat Adoption Story (Part 2)

Two gray ladies, purr-fect together

A #ClearTheShelters Cat Adoption Story (Part 1)

A #ClearTheShelters Cat Adoption Story (Part 1)

Clear the shelters, find a home

17 ways my cats celebrate World Cat Day

17 ways my cats celebrate World Cat Day

My cats show how to celebrate World Cat Day