Tag: Calvin

Haiku by Cat: Glass

Haiku by Cat: Glass

if not for this glass–
cruel impassable window–
squirrel, you would be mine

Story: In which mischief almost happened, but didn’t

Story: In which mischief almost happened, but didn’t

A box of treats, 2 dogs, and 2 cats create a lesson in reading dog body language.

Story: Why, Wyoming?

Story: Why, Wyoming?

Why has nobody from Wyoming visited my site since October 2013?

Haiku by Cat: Bookcase

Haiku by Cat: Bookcase

Definition of
bookcase: place to store books
and display your cat

Photo: We’re in this together

Photo: We’re in this together

Why are 2 cats and a dog looking out the window?

Haiku by Cat: Stretch

Haiku by Cat: Stretch

successful cats have
stretch goals to reach the things
they’re not supposed to have

Photo: Life with dogs and cats in one picture

Photo: Life with dogs and cats in one picture

Life with dogs and cats in one photo

Story: Hide and seek cat

Story: Hide and seek cat

Calvin finds an unusual place to hide when unexpected guests arrive.

Photo: A cat has a dog bone. Discuss.

Photo: A cat has a dog bone. Discuss.

Calvin has one of the dogs’ bones. Caption anyone?

Story: Keeping wildlife safe from your dogs

Story: Keeping wildlife safe from your dogs

Tips to help young birds, mammals and other creatures not become prey for your dog