Tag: Calvin

Every Day is Boxing Day When You’re a Cat

Every Day is Boxing Day When You’re a Cat

Forget Jack-in-the-Box, try Cat-in-the-Box!

Tales and tails on Hanukkah

Tales and tails on Hanukkah

The family gathers to celebrate Hanukkah

Thanksgiving and memories

Thanksgiving and memories

Remembering my father on Thanksgiving

Haiku By Cat: Only

Haiku By Cat: Only

Only one cat here;
as long as my back is turned
I do not see him

Story: Dogs and cats living together

Story: Dogs and cats living together

My dogs and cats might not understand each other, but they do get along. Mostly.

Photo: Sun Worship-purr

Photo: Sun Worship-purr

Calvin soaks in the sun’s warmth as it illuminates his whiskers.

Haiku by Cat: Conjurer

Haiku by Cat: Conjurer

mysterious cat
hidden within the shadows
conjures more mischief

Haiku by Cat: Moth

Haiku by Cat: Moth

window hunter waits
trap baited with false sunlight
for moth to alight

Photo: Calvin, one classy cat

Photo: Calvin, one classy cat

He’s a cuddler. He’s a hunter. He’s a lounger. He’s an explorer. Calvin is one classy cat.

Haiku by Cat: Box

Haiku by Cat: Box

contentment found in
cardboard walls, lid optional
size doesn’t matter