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Tag: Calvin
Forget Jack-in-the-Box, try Cat-in-the-Box!
The family gathers to celebrate Hanukkah
Remembering my father on Thanksgiving
Only one cat here;
as long as my back is turned
I do not see him
My dogs and cats might not understand each other, but they do get along. Mostly.
Calvin soaks in the sun’s warmth as it illuminates his whiskers.
mysterious cat
hidden within the shadows
conjures more mischief
window hunter waits
trap baited with false sunlight
for moth to alight
He’s a cuddler. He’s a hunter. He’s a lounger. He’s an explorer. Calvin is one classy cat.
contentment found in
cardboard walls, lid optional
size doesn’t matter
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...