Tag: Calvin

Haiku by Cat: Cloak

Haiku by Cat: Cloak

cloaked by folds of a
carelessly hung coat, hunter
waits, ready to pounce

Suessical Names for Cats or Dogs, or How to Seussify Your Pet’s Name

Suessical Names for Cats or Dogs, or How to Seussify Your Pet’s Name

The “other” doctor

Speechless in New Jersey: What laryngitis taught me about my relationship with my dogs and cats

Speechless in New Jersey: What laryngitis taught me about my relationship with my dogs and cats

Speaking without words

Surprise! A Cat Hides in a Box

Surprise! A Cat Hides in a Box


I Don’t Always Sit In Your Chair #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Sit In Your Chair #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld

Actually, I do.

Text from Cat: A heated discussion about a cat bed

Text from Cat: A heated discussion about a cat bed

Laps and laptops are both warm.

Dogs, Cats & Humans Uncover Snow Joys and Challenges After the Blizzard

Dogs, Cats & Humans Uncover Snow Joys and Challenges After the Blizzard

Snow business

I Don’t Always Walk Across Your Keyboard #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Walk Across Your Keyboard #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I make sure you haven’t clicked Save.

Haiku by Cat: Repose

Haiku by Cat: Repose

comfort painted in
languid curves, cats have mastered
the art of repose

I Don’t Always Come When Called #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Come When Called #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld

Oh. Wait. Did you say, “Dinner?”