Tag: bed

I Don’t Always Sleep In A Cat Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Sleep In A Cat Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

Unless by cat bed, you mean anything you put down.

Haiku by Dog: Canvas

Haiku by Dog: Canvas

sleep: a work of art
drawn with paws, tail and belly
on a dog bed canvas

Haiku by Cat: Lingering

Haiku by Cat: Lingering

freshly laundered sheets
warmth from dryer lingering
purr-fect place to rest

Haiku by Dog: Room

Haiku by Dog: Room

sure, there’s room for you
or you can sleep on the floor
in one of the dog beds

I Don’t Always Sleep On Your Bed #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Sleep On Your Bed #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I make sure I’m right in the middle.

Text from Cat: Bed head

Text from Cat: Bed head

If it’s meant to be a cat bed, it isn’t.

Text from Dog: Sleeping In

Text from Dog: Sleeping In

Mornings can be ruff

Text from Cat: Cat vs. laptop

Text from Cat: Cat vs. laptop

Cat: 1, MacBook: 0

Text from Cat: There’s fur in my bed

Text from Cat: There’s fur in my bed

And fur-thermore…

Haiku by Dog: Routine

Haiku by Dog: Routine

dog’s morning routine:
stretch, yawn, then ponder whether
it’s worth getting up