Tag: Athena

Text from Cat: Everything is a cat bed

Text from Cat: Everything is a cat bed

Everything is a cat bed

Tales and tails on Hanukkah

Tales and tails on Hanukkah

The family gathers to celebrate Hanukkah

Who will win when a dog and cat play dreidel?

Who will win when a dog and cat play dreidel?

Tucker and Athena go head to head in the dreidel game.

Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?

Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?

Athena causes a dust up.

Haiku by Cat: Artwork

Haiku by Cat: Artwork

artwork painted with
sun and shade; all should stop and
admire cat’s shadow

Haiku By Cat: Only

Haiku By Cat: Only

Only one cat here;
as long as my back is turned
I do not see him

Story: Dogs and cats living together

Story: Dogs and cats living together

My dogs and cats might not understand each other, but they do get along. Mostly.

Haiku by Cat: Treasure

Haiku by Cat: Treasure

a box is defined
not by walls and floor, but by
the treasure it holds

Cat Lesson #32 in how to toy with your human: stare intently at nothing

Cat Lesson #32 in how to toy with your human: stare intently at nothing

Why is Athena staring into the corner?

Text from Cat: Touching

Text from Cat: Touching

So touching…

By October 3, 2014 Read More →