Tag: Athena

Story: Why do my cats love stink bugs?

Story: Why do my cats love stink bugs?

With noses a gazillion times more sensitive than humans, why are my cats so fascinated with stink bugs?

Text from cat: Book review

Text from cat: Book review


By December 23, 2013 Read More →
Photos: It’s black and white

Photos: It’s black and white

Life with dogs and cats…in black and white.

Text from Cat: Where are the cat pictures?

Text from Cat: Where are the cat pictures?


By December 17, 2013 Read More →
Thankful for Cats

Thankful for Cats

Jellybean paws and bumper car tails. Silky head rubs and slow blinks of welcome. I am thankful for cats.

Life with dogs and cats: from calm to chaos in .3 seconds

Life with dogs and cats: from calm to chaos in .3 seconds

A brief moment of calm in a household with 3 dogs and 4 cats. Until chaos in the form of Elsa Clair enters the picture.

Haiku by Cat: Gift

Haiku by Cat: Gift

true gift of the heart
a mouse left on your pillow
why are you screaming?

Text from Cat: There is nothing inside the box

Text from Cat: There is nothing inside the box


By November 8, 2013 Read More →
Haiku by Cat: Darkness

Haiku by Cat: Darkness

darkness calls out to
enter, explore, hide within
paper bag on floor

Haiku by Cat: Shadow

Haiku by Cat: Shadow

beware the small beast
hunter of bugs and toy mice
I am the shadow