Tag: Athena

Photo: Power of Love

Photo: Power of Love

My pets–including Athena–welcome me home from the hospital and apply the healing power of love.

Photo: Love will find a way

Photo: Love will find a way

Tucker and Athena are usually at odds. Until I caught Athena giving head rubs to Tucker.

Story: Real pets meet flat pets

Story: Real pets meet flat pets

Real pets meet flat pets. The dogs are confused and the cats want a trade in.

Photo: Cats as gargoyles

Photo: Cats as gargoyles

I think my cats are gargoyles. Or maybe catgoyles?

Text from Dog: She wants it

Text from Dog: She wants it


Story: After BlogPaws, a Guilt Trip

Story: After BlogPaws, a Guilt Trip

Back from BlogPaws, I still have to take my required guilt trip.

Text from Dog: Playing games

Text from Dog: Playing games

Story: National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

Story: National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

Look into the eyes of all my pets, past and present, and you’ll see why I adopted them from shelters.

Story: Of cats, boxes and bookcases

Story: Of cats, boxes and bookcases

To cats, a bookcase is just a box made of wood.

Text from Cat: You’ll never understand

Text from Cat: You’ll never understand

Text bookcase