Tag: Athena

Haiku by Cat: Sun

Haiku by Cat: Sun

sun shines on this spot
pouring warmth in this place, now
because I am here

Photo: Life with dogs and cats in one picture

Photo: Life with dogs and cats in one picture

Life with dogs and cats in one photo

Story: Hide and seek cat

Story: Hide and seek cat

Calvin finds an unusual place to hide when unexpected guests arrive.

Haiku by Cat: Abide

Haiku by Cat: Abide

when a cat abides
within the pillowed borders
it’s not a dog bed

Photo: Dinner is late

Photo: Dinner is late

Tucker and Athena don’t agree on many things, but they both know when dinner is late.

Story: Keeping wildlife safe from your dogs

Story: Keeping wildlife safe from your dogs

Tips to help young birds, mammals and other creatures not become prey for your dog

Story: Annual pet checkups are as essential as food and love

Story: Annual pet checkups are as essential as food and love

Annual checkups are as essential as food and love

Photo: Athena and Calvin (caption this)

Photo: Athena and Calvin (caption this)

Two cats, artfully posed: caption anyone?

Story: Tick, tick, tick… Lyme Disease, part II (The Homecoming)

Story: Tick, tick, tick… Lyme Disease, part II (The Homecoming)

I am welcomed home from the hospital by my pets. Plus tips to prevent Lyme Disease.

Story: Tick, tick, tick…Lyme Disease

Story: Tick, tick, tick…Lyme Disease

It began as a pain in the neck, and went downhill from there.