Tag: Athena

Haiku by Cat: Unscathed

Haiku by Cat: Unscathed

talons honed and sharp
leave window’s surface unscathed
clearly indifferent

Text from Cat: Athena, Interior Designer

Text from Cat: Athena, Interior Designer

Athena shares her opinion.

Text from Cat: Say cheese!

Text from Cat: Say cheese!

Athena knows what’s cookin’.

By August 23, 2014 Read More →
Haiku by Cat: Birdwatching

Haiku by Cat: Birdwatching

One goldfinch, a pair
of cardinals, three mourning doves, and
a chipmunk. So far.

Story: In which mischief almost happened, but didn’t

Story: In which mischief almost happened, but didn’t

A box of treats, 2 dogs, and 2 cats create a lesson in reading dog body language.

Haiku by Cat: Splendor

Haiku by Cat: Splendor

cat at rest reveals
sumptuous feline splendor
even on cardboard

Photo: We’re in this together

Photo: We’re in this together

Why are 2 cats and a dog looking out the window?

Text from Cat: Crying Over Spilled Milk

Text from Cat: Crying Over Spilled Milk

Athena would have been happy to lick the bowl…

Photo: Cat imitating art

Photo: Cat imitating art

Cat imitates art.

Cat art: No words needed

Cat art: No words needed

Cat art: Athena’s eyes speak volumes.