I’m Published In a New Book: Second-Chance Dogs
Look at the last entry in the table of contents and you’ll see “What’s Wrong with Your Dog?” by Susan C. Willett. That’s the first of my two stories included in this anthology by Callie Smith Grant.
Look Mom! I’m published!
There you’ll find it on page 56: “What’s Wrong with Your Dog?” by Susan C. Willett. That’s the title of just one of my stories that’s included in a new anthology by Callie Smith Grant called Second-Chance Dogs: True Stories of the Dogs We Rescue and the Dogs Who Rescue Us. (My other tale—the last one in the book—is “The Sound of Home.”)
As of September 18, 2018, I will be very officially, published. In a BOOK. From a legit publisher. It is a real book: one you can buy on Amazon. You can hold it in your hand and turn the pages. You can put in your bookcase between The Incredible Journey and The Story of Edgar Sawtelle (two of my favorite dog books ever). You can wrap up and send in the mail to your favorite dog lover using the official book rate of $2.66.
I am so thrilled, I officially Can’t. Even.

Lilah and Jasper are featured in one of the stories. I think they’re as excited as I am to be in a book. Either that or they’re hoping for extra treats.
So to all those who believed in me, supported me, read my words and actually liked them, thank you.
But enough about me. What about the book?
Second-Chance Dogs is a compilation of stories about the canines who fill our hearts and our homes. Who give us purpose. Who love us no matter what. Who seem to know the perfect moment to rest a head on a knee or curl up next to us in bed. Who track mud through our homes, offer slobbery dogkisses, and who’s wiggle butts and waggy tails greet us when we’ve been gone for any more than twelve and a half seconds.
I know several of the contributors—who are excellent writers—(many, like me, are members of the Dog Writers Association of America) and I’ve become good friends with the editor, who has been an editorial cheerleader for my writing career.
So if you are a dog lover, or know a dog lover, this book is filled with just what you—and they—need: a full dose of dog. And because there are 36 separate “tails,” you can ration them, savoring each story morsel one at a time, or cuddle up on your couch with your canine best friend and binge on the whole shebang.
If you’re interested enough to want to buy the book, feel free to use this link to get it from Amazon. For every copy sold through that link, I get a whopping 63 cents per copy (I’m an Amazon Affiliate.) Hey, if enough people buy one, I can get me a Grande White Chocolate coconut milk latte at Starbucks! Woo hoo!
But wait! There’s more!
For my friends, family, and fans, here’s a little sneak peek into my two stories in the book:
“What’s Wrong With Your Dog?” tells the story of Pasha, a Keeshond mix who we rescued years ago, when my kids (and I) were a lot younger. He was disfigured after being hit by a car, yet it never stopped him from enjoying life. Those who met Pasha came away with a new perspective on disability, and an acceptance of difference.

On the right is a picture of Pasha, who is featured in my story “What’s Wrong With Your Dog?” The photo on the left is Rosie, our terrier, who is mentioned in the story “The Sound of Home.”
“The Sound of Home” is the story of how rescue dogs Lilah and Jasper came into our lives at a time when we needed them most, offering the healing power of puppiness.

Tucker seems very interested in “The Sound of Home,” the story of how Lilah and Jasper came to live with us.
Thanks again to everyone who told me I could!
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Wow! Congratulations!!
Congratulations. It looks like a great book.