Photo: Jasper is a soulful dog

Black and White Sunday

An entire world can be seen in the eyes of a dog


An entire world can be found in the soulful eyes of a dog.

Do your pets look at you in ways that bring you to another place?

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   Wags, purrs and thanks to all our fans!


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Black and White Sunday

Posted in: Dog Photos, Photos

17 Comments on "Photo: Jasper is a soulful dog"

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  1. MIley says:

    So precious! Happy b&w sunday!!

  2. LOVE the quote <3 YES, absolutely. Have a great Sunday. Golden Woofs

  3. Rebekah says:

    Love the photo, love the quote.

  4. Mary says:

    That’s a wonderful photo.

  5. truly wonderful photo and quote!

  6. Kuruk says:

    So much wisdom indeed! Woooowoooooo!

  7. Beautiful and perfect!

  8. He does look like an old soul.

  9. Gorgeous shot and a very true quote. Looking into a dog’s eyes can sooth my soul.

  10. Ruby says:

    Oh, you look FABulous Jasper!! Very soulful indeed…
    Ma says the only place I take her is the ‘crazy train’… hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  11. Ann Staub says:

    Beautiful! Both the picture and quote 🙂

  12. If only you could talk, Jasper.

  13. melf says:

    The soulful ones get me every time. My Jasper is not as soulful as his sister, Daisy, but sometimes I want to know what is going on behind those eyes. What a wonderful capture. He looks like the kind of dog that would be happy to sit with you on the end of a dock and just reflect on the world.

  14. Dogs N Pawz says:

    That picture is perfect! I love my dog’s eyes. They say so much!

  15. slimdoggy says:

    Oh yeah, absolutely…Jack can look right into me and read my mind and predict when I’m going to release him for the treats 🙂

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