Photo: The Shadow Knows

Jasper with leafy shadows

Leafy shadows on Jasper’s hindquarters lead me to a discovery.

Jasper was part of a litter that was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Louisiana, and was nicknamed Silver Boy by the rescue group because of the gorgeous and unique silvery fur on his face. Everyone asks me what kind of dog he is, and I usually reply by saying something like, “Exactly. What kind of dog is he? Your guess is as good as mine.”

At home, I just like to refer to Jasper as a Comfort Hound because his favorite activity is relaxing on the couch. Or a chair. Or a bed.

But in this photo, I think his true colors show. Jasper is a Silver-coated Leafbutt Shadow Hound. Now you know.

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21 Comments on "Photo: The Shadow Knows"

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  1. Daisy says:

    HAHAHA!!!! I love both those designations you gave Jasper! 😀

  2. Earl Lover says:

    Hehe! Our dogs are our shadows.

  3. That is exactly the breed that I figured Shadow was! BOL!

  4. Elaine says:

    Haha! At first I thought that was dirt on his rear from playing in the mulch bed. Leafbutt is much better than dirtbutt, lol!

  5. Robin says:

    Jasper is of a very interesting breed indeed! I have to say that I have not seen too many of these Leafbutt Shadow hounds. LOL Those are quite some markings!

  6. Hmmmm…we must be Comfort Cats because all we do is relax on the couch or chair or wherever.

  7. meowmeowmans says:

    LOL! Those Leafbutt shadow hounds are totally RARE! Looking good, Jasper! 🙂

  8. The leafbutt shadows are cute! Jasper is gorgeous, no matter what type of pup he is!

  9. You’ve just given me the correct words to use when describing Harley – Comfort Hound. It’s PAWfect – thanks

  10. easy rider says:

    Jasper that’s an unique design… will you wear snowflakes in winter?

  11. Kitties Blue says:

    Purrfect description. Our dad’s answer to questions like these was always thoroughly bred. Jasper’s legs appear to be silvery as well. XOCK. Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    • Great answer. Jasper is an unusual color for a dog. We’ll never know what he is really, though my trainer thought he might have some Catahoula in him, since he came from Louisiana and Catahoulas often have silver tones in their fur.

  12. Jean DIon says:

    I love that! And clever descriptions are always welcome, I think. When I worked in a veterinary office, we had a client with a rather large chihuahua mix. When people asked him what kind of dog he had, he replied that he had a “Great Northern Chihuahua.” Many people didn’t know he was kidding. Good times.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

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