My Cats Offer Gift Suggestions for National Cat Day

Stumped for what to give your cat on National Cat Day? Dawn, Athena, Calvin and Elsa Clair share some of their favorite gifts.

The sun

Athena in sun on the stairs

The sun? For me? Of course.

A lap in the sun

Dawn enjoying the sun on a lap

Not just a lap, but a sunny lap.

A bed

Athena lying on a backpack
Is there a cat on it? It’s a cat bed.

Warm laundry

Calvin finds a warm spot on the table.

Warm laundry. Warm sun. Happy cat.

A purrfect view

Dawn cat looking out window

A view through the trees, without having to climb.

A box

Elsa Clair cat loves boxes

Oh. Wait. There was something in the box?

A bag

Bag o' cat: Calvin

Paper or plastic? Do you really have to ask?

How did you celebrate National Cat Day?

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Posted in: Cat Photos, Photos

8 Comments on "My Cats Offer Gift Suggestions for National Cat Day"

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  1. Daisy says:

    Those are the purrfect gifts! The pics are beautiful – the second one shows absolute contentment! 🙂

  2. Deziz World says:

    Weez enjoyin’ da cat twee, nip mat and purrlenty of mommys lap.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  3. Rebekah says:

    My would love an endless supply of warm laundry.

  4. meowmeowmans says:

    Those are great ways to celebrate, sweet pals! We got lots of extra hugs, pets and scritches today.

    Happy National Cat Day!

  5. easy rider says:

    that are super gifts! to get the sun is pawsome… can you send me a small bit of that golden warm ball please :o)

  6. Ellen Pilch says:

    Looks like you had a great day. Happy Belated National Cat Day- it should be every single day.

  7. It doesn’t take much to make us cats happy, does it??

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