Double Trouble: Cat Reflection
TweetAfter her morning meal, Elsa Clair was taking a sunbath in one of her favorite spots: the giant scratcher by our kitchen’s sliding glass doors.
I noticed her reflection as she looked at me with her intense jade eyes. Bracing my iPhone against the glass, parallel to the the floor, I snapped a few pictures.
This my new favorite photo, a result of good luck, good lighting and a very cooperative subject.
What are some of the stories behind your favorite pictures of your pets?
You may also like:
- Shadows of Love
- Liquid Cat
- Sun Cat
- Sun Bathing
- Reflections on Being a Cat
- Cat Art: Reflections in Pink
- Visual Purr
- Sun Worship-purr
- Meditations on a Cat’s Tail
Today, we’re participating in the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Stop by and see some of the great photos in the participating blogs below.
Wow! That’s a fabulous photo! Good job, Susan (and Elsa Clair, of course)! 🙂
Thanks! Gotta give credit to the model, of course. 😀
That’s a fabulous photo! Very cool!
Thank you! I love the shapes and lines in the photo. There’s so much to look at.
This sure is a beautiful photo! Great timing and great model too 🙂
😀 I took about 7 pictures; only 2 of them had her looking at me.
Reflection photos like this are always so neat. Love it!
Thanks! It’s always hard to get the right angle to capture what you want in the reflection (as in, not yourself.)
That is a great picture, love it!
Thank you. Hoping it doesn’t go to Elsa Clair’s head. 😉
P.S. Thank you for your sweet comment on Milton’s memorial post. I appreciate it more than you know
You and your husband did a wonderful thing. You’re angels in my book.
Amazing photo!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Great photo. Those spontaneous photos are my favorite.
Sarah and Shadow
Thanks. Mine too. It’s why I always try to have my camera at hand, not just my cell phone.
WOW! You really captured that one nicely. Good job!
Thank you. It helps to have a somewhat cooperative cat. 😉
Double the cute is more like it! One of my favorite shots is of Hershey running full tilt on the beach. It just captures everything about her.
I love it when a picture captures the essence of dog or cat (or human for that matter). They’re the ones you keep coming back to.
This is an incredible image – I think curating images is one of the reasons I love blogging so much. You captured a beautiful moment! Enter that in some photo contests!!
Wow! Thanks! It’s one of the things I like so much about blogging as well; I love taking photos that capture a moment or a feeling, or are just plain cool!
Because one of Elsa Clair is never enough, right? We love the creative use of the reflection in that photo!
Yeah, two Elsa Clairs would be like having two tiny dragons in the house. One is enough thank you very much. 🙂
This is such a great photo!
Thanks! 😀
guys !!!!! we thinked ewe waz on vacationz ore sum thin, we haz knot getted an e mail bout a new post frum yur blog til just NOW……what de perch….we haz signed up again sew hope full lee we will get R noe tizzez like we shuld ~~~~~~~ heerz two a righteye flounder kinda week oh end two all ! ♥♥♥
We weren’t on vacation, but we did slow down a bit during some of June. (Life gets in the way of blogging sometimes.) We’re back on track, though, and happy to hear from you!