Photo: The Look
TweetWordless Wednesday
In the cat world, a stare is worth a thousand words. In this picture, Athena is terribly offended at Jasper’s boorish intrusion into what is obviously her Space. If we were to translate what my irritated little ball of tortoiseshell fur is saying with her squinty eyes…well, let’s just say it wouldn’t be appropriate for family entertainment.
Those of us who share our hearts and homes with cats know if we’re on the receiving end of that look, we’ve transgressed in some egregious way.
Jasper, busy watching a squirrel, is completely oblivious. He has no clue that Athena is hurling cat insults at him with a force and velocity that any major league baseball pitcher would be proud of.
It’s better that way.
Do your pets communicate with their eyes? What do they tell you?
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Oh the look tells it all, that little girl is not happy with her brother ๐
Exactly. Athena is not a fan of the dogs. She’ll swat ’em just for walking by. I think Jasper is just a little out of paw’s reach here.
She has mastered the evil eye! MOL!
Truth. Of all the cats, she does it best.
Yes, definitely better poor Jasper is unaware of THAT look! Perhaps she thinks her sun patch isn’t big enough for two?
Athena wasn’t present the day they taught “sharing” in kitty school. Oh, wait a minute. It’s not in the curriculum. ๐
Athena must be a Greyhound in disguise, that’s a perfect stink eye!
I didn’t know Greyhounds were good at stink eye, too! You learn something every day. And yes, Ms. Athena has perfected the art of kitty stink eye.
I think someone doesn’t want their space invaded that’s what the cats look says to us! Love Dolly
You’re spot on, Dolly! Athena doesn’t like anyone in her “bubble.” Jasper doesn’t notice. Lilah doesn’t care. But Tucker has learned to be very wary of Athena.
Oh, that look means business! I would not be that close. Happy WW!
Absolutely. That is cat-titude turned up to 11.
LOL…i would say she has that look down pretty good.
I think she practices. A lot. ๐
Talk about the old stink eye lol
You said it! Athena is a master at stink eye.
That is one fierce look! ๐ My old cat usually gives Nailah that look but she just ignores it and keeps annoying him.
That’s funny. All three of my dogs have no clue what that look means. And then they’ll get whacked. Lilah doesn’t care. Jasper doesn’t understand. And Tucker gets sad; he doesn’t understand what he did to deserve a whack.
Oh, I know that look well! Jasper better watch out! Sometimes just a stare can become whacky-paws in only a second!
Ain’t that the truth. Athena goes from stare to whacky-paws in an instant. Though when she whacks Jasper, he barely feels it and just looks confused. Tucker, on the other paw, takes it personally.
MOL… looks as though she’s not into sharing her window view ๐
You’re right. Though it might be said that Athena’s not into sharing much of anything. ๐
Oh my. Without a doubt, THAT is the look that says that trouble is a brewin’. ๐
Yup. And Athena is the brew master. ๐
With eight of us, our humans are more than familiar with the “stink-eye.” Lily Olivia is the best at it as she has had the most practice. Much better for Jasper to live in his own little world of obliviousness. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
My thoughts exactly. Although I think it irritates Athena even more that Jasper isn’t quaking in fear at her masterful stink eye.
Oh yeah…we’ve given the Look before. ๐
My cats definitely communicate with their eyes. I have seen that stare before. I’ve also seen the “Please, please give me that ______! I’m the cutest thing you’ve ever seen!” stare. ๐
Oh, Calvin has that cute look too. Big eyes, tilty head? We call it the Puss in Boots look if you’ve seen any of the Shrek or the Puss in Boots movie, you’ll know what I mean. Athena is pretty good at that too.
Blissfully oblivious Jasper-probably better that way so you won’t be offended by what Athena has to say. If looks could kill, Athena probably would have already glared many dogs dead.
That’s so true. Athena would be lethal. Thank goodness she’s not. Just amusing, as she stares curses into Jasper, who has no clue. ๐