Caption This: Two cats and a…dog?
TweetWordless Wednesday
I caught this moment with Elsa Clair on the table in the sun and Dawn hiding on another table next to a steampunk-type dog sculpture that was a birthday gift to myself a few years ago. (The sculpture was crafted by one of my favorite Etsy artists, Will Wagenaar in his store Reclaim2Fame.)
The resulting picture inspired so many ideas for captions that I decided to share the fun.
Your turn, readers! Caption this! What is going on? What is Dawn saying to Elsa Clair? Or vice versa? Does the sculpture speak? I wanna know!
I’ll pick the one that rates the highest on my own personal LOL scale–and the writer will win a prize.
Enter as many ideas as you’d like–here on my blog, or on my Facebook, Twitter (@WithDogsAndCats) or Instagram pages. Prize TBD, but it will be dog or cat related, depending on the winner.
I’ll pick a winner next Wednesday.
The winner of the caption contest is Robin, with “”I can’t believe you are taking his side in this, Dawn!”
Have fun!
Speaking of captions…
Get some inspiration from Rupert’s cartoons on his Off the Leash website.

Win a personalized copy of Off The Leash and a signed cartoon! Click to enter!
Today we’re participating in Wordless Wednesday. Stop by and visit some of the great blogs below for some more fun.
LOVE that dog sculpture. Almost bought one last weekend 🙂 saw some cool garden dog sculptures. Have a great Wednesday. Golden Woofs
I don’t trust it!
But he’s my friend, it’s OK.
One cat appears to be trying to disguise itself as a woofie! MOL
On guard!
Whatever is being said, that is a great pic! Nice sculpture too 🙂
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
My table manners are better than yours!
“You cannot hide behind that dog. I still see you trying to sneak up on me.” That dog is so cool. Mom says that she has never seen anything like it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
“I’m going to pounce on you even if there is a funny looking dog on the table.”
guys…..we due knot haza foto capshun reeeely; N sure dawgs can be ….dawgs….but that iz one total lee kewl sculpturez !!! veree ingenious oh who ever made it…. ♥♥
I know they said two heads are better than one. But that’s just ridiculous!
“We out-vote you, two to one. Now scram!”
Elsa Clair: “I can’t believe you are taking his side in this Dawn!”
A woofie armor ? Could be a good idea to deceive the opponent ! Purrs
Don’t look! I have to poop.
My mom loves that dog! She loves stuff like that!
Don’t you try to scare me, Dawn, I know that’s just a cat in a dog Howl-o-ween costume!
Love & Biscuits,
Cathy, Isis & Phoebe
Happy WW – I’m not sure what they’re saying, but it’s a great photo!
I can’t think of any witty captions, but I do love the photo.
“You’re not stealing my sun puddle…go find your own.”
Whoa, you’re brave to sit next to the robo-dog like that!