Can’t Stop the Rain (#Video): My dog doesn’t like to get wet
It’s been such a dry summer and fall that my dogs have nearly forgotten what it’s like to be outside in the rain.
The set up:
I have three dogs:
Lilah: a smart and pretty long-haired mutt with obvious Border Collie heritage
Jasper: a large gangly, goofy couch-potato hound of unknown origin
Tucker: a full-bore, out-and-out, don’t-stop-me, no-off-button terrier mix
The question:
Which one was the princess who wouldn’t go outside in the rain without an umbrella?
Some hints:
You may find some clues in previous posts:
- Braving the weather–or at least the umbrella (Lilah)
- My Dog Doesn’t Like Getting His Feet Wet (Jasper)
- A Dog and His Ball: a cautionary “tail” (Tucker)
The answer:
You’ll find the answer in the video below.
What do your pets think about rain or getting wet?
Timmy says he can wait til spring to pee
If I didn’t offer an umbrella, Tucker would be holding it in, finding a convenient houseplant, or using the cats’ litterbox.
My niece’s dog hates the rain. He’ll go so far as to not drink so he won’t have to go out.
Wow. That’s impressive, thinking ahead like that.
BOL!!!! OMD, Tucker, nows I absolutely KNOWS we are cousins! I hates gettin’ any part of me wet! Not my feets, not my furs, nothin’! (wells, I do likes to gets my beard wet so I can gives Ma a beard shower..heheheheeee)
Nows, I have to admit sometimes I make Ma gets the umbrella, butts we gots so many canopies that I can usually stay dry if I run reeeealy fast.
Ma still can’t believes her ‘water dog’ doesn’t likes the water….☺
Ruby ♥
Ruby I think you’re right! Tucker is exactly the same. He even hates when I towel him off — I think because he feels the wet even more. You would think that terriers like you and Tucker would be okay with a little wetness, but I guess not. You must be “brothers from a different mother.”
My dogs don’t mibd a light rain but the very heavy rains we have had this week have resulted in them turning around mid-walk for home.
Tucker understands exactly how your dogs feel. We had heavy rains this past week, too, when I took the video. Tucker was having none of it. The rain was just too much for him.