Haiku by Dog: Snowman

Haiku by Dog: white frozen mantle / covering earh, hiding sticks / snowman lost an arm

Does your dog like to play with sticks? Is there a particular quality that makes a good stick? How does he or she find them in the snow?

Posted in: Haiku, Haiku By Dog

17 Comments on "Haiku by Dog: Snowman"

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    lilah..stix R grate
    ewe can use em for fishin
    just knead ta get werms !

    • We can always count on da tabbies to write a cat haiku! I think Lilah would enjoy fishing. In the summer, she’s the only one of the dogs that hangs out in the kiddie pool we put out for them. She sticks her nose in the water and blows bubbles!

  2. OMD! That’s perfect. Well done!

  3. hahaha! Aw poor snowman!!! LOL
    ((husky hugz))
    frum da pack at Love is being owned by a husky

  4. Cute! Love your haiku! No snow here. We’d have to have a “sand-man”. 🙂

  5. Snowman lost an ARM! HAHAHAHAHHA. Love it.

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