Haiku by Dog: Taunt

Haiku by Dog: safe on a high branch / chattering twitching taunting / one day, Squirrel, one day...

Today’s haiku is by Tucker.

I swear the squirrel is laughing. That and hurling rodent curses down upon the frustrated dog. Best not to taunt a terrier though, as Tucker reminds us in today’s Haiku by Dog. If Mr. YouCan’tGetMe Squirrel is ever bold (or stupid) enough to try to run across the yard when Tucker is around…

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Posted in: Haiku, Haiku By Dog

13 Comments on "Haiku by Dog: Taunt"

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  1. Kitties Blue says:

    Those darn squirrels taunt and tease us efurryday. It is part of our entertainment. We received our very excellent box of goodies yesterday. We can’t wait to have that excellent cat grass. We hope it grows really fast. Mom will post about it next Thursday. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    watch out for that squirrelz
    they can bee veree vizshuz
    just like a deer iz

  3. Those squirrels are just plain evil. We know…they taunt us too.

  4. Ann Staub says:

    It’s weird but we have no squirrels here. In recent years, I’ve seen one or two scurry across the neighborhood roads, but that’s it. Shiner would like to catch herself a rabbit though, we have plenty of those!

  5. Emma says:

    Squirrels treat dogs so poorly!

  6. Those teasing squirrels! They taunt us too, Tucker! We know who will be having the last laugh though…

  7. Phod had this exact conversation with a squirrel this morning.

  8. Squirrels are such tree bullies! They even throw stuff down on Pierre and his relentless barking! BOL!

  9. Dawn says:

    Those pesky squirrels are really going to get it one day. Pierson has actually caught and killed a squirrel once. But now that we no longer have a fenced yard, he is always on a leash when he’s outside and can no longer chase them.

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