Haiku by Dog: Lucky

it's too hot to run / I'm feeling benevolent / squirrel's lucky day #HaikuByDog #HaikusDay

Today’s haiku is by: Lilah.

It is the squirrel’s lucky day. Of course, Lilah will chase squirrels, but will never catch them. Not because she’s not fast or because she couldn’t. But because she truly is a kind, benevolent dog; she doesn’t want to hurt anybody.

So the fun is in the chase. It’s the challenge, the joy, the thrill of the moment that counts for her. There’s no need for a trophy at the end to acknowledge the adventure.

Hmm. Maybe we humans could learn a thing or two from Lilah.

What lessons do you learn from your pets?

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Posted in: Haiku, Haiku By Dog

1 Comment on "Haiku by Dog: Lucky"

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    lilah…ewe can still chaze de squirrel in yur mindz eye…make like ewe R soooper dawg N ya can climb treez grate aza cat…..wait a minit ther…ya can climb treez ALL MOST….grate aza cat 😉 ☺☺♥♥

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