Haiku by Dog: First

Haiku by Dog: when ownership is / in doubt, it's best to pee first, / ask questions later

Today’s haiku is by Jasper.

When you live in a multi-pet household (or multi-child, for that matter), there are often discussions over which toy / stick / seat belongs to which dog / cat / child.

Usually the conversation is friendly, with a bit of give and take — otherwise known as a game of tug — or some hearty conversation — otherwise known as a game of stare — but sometimes, when something is really special, it’s best to lay claim to it right away.

At least, that’s how Jasper claims ownership.

How do your pets tell others that something is theirs?

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Posted in: Haiku, Haiku By Dog

14 Comments on "Haiku by Dog: First"

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  1. Daisy says:

    Good thinking, Jasper! I’m more of a grab-and-run girl, but the result is the same – it’s MINE! 😀

  2. easy rider says:

    that’s very important… and even when my humans can’t read that pee-mail with windows, they never touch it after I wrote my name on it :o)

  3. HA! Jasper, you are too funny. Thankfully, my cats do not claim ownership in the same way… They just sit on things when they claim them.

  4. Deziz World says:

    MOL We rub it or plop down on it. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. Kitties Blue says:

    Unfortunately we have some pee wars when something new comes into the the house for one cat or another. After something has been around a while and washed several times, the behavior ceases. Annoying, but they are cats and not humans!

  6. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    jasper…this post rocks
    itz ta pee…ore knot ta pee
    ~~~~ now thiz stix iz mine !!


  7. Emma says:

    Usually we just take the object to claim it, but sometimes I will pee on something I want to claim. Mom says that is not nice to do, so I don’t do it too much.

  8. Robin says:

    That is one way to make sure that no one else touches your things! My kitties seem to be able to tell just by who has possession of the item. They don’t often battle over anything.

  9. Ellen Pilch says:

    Nice haiku-great advice.

  10. Rebekah says:

    Hahaha! This is definitely true at my house!

  11. meowmeowmans says:

    Great haiku-in-action, Jasper! 😀

  12. It’s now yours, Jasper!

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