Haiku by Dog: Couch

happy is the dog / who knows his humans always / make room on the couch #HaikuByDog


Some dogs like to play fetch. Some like to chase creatures. Or herd them. Some are at their best when hot on a scent trail. And some are best on a couch.

When anybody asks what breed Jasper is, I tell them he’s a Comfort Hound.

This dog is the living embodiment of creature comforts. He loves to lie on couches, on people beds, even dog beds on occasion. He likes a pillow—or two—to rest his head on. And when he’s resting ever so comfortably, I dare any human with an ounce of heart to ask him to move. It’s impossible. He’s just. Too. Happy. He reaches an epitome of relaxation. He’s one with the sofa. To observe a being so in the moment, so true, and so dedicated to the craft of comfort, that one begins to wish it were possible for a human to take lessons from a Master. If only I could attain that kind of Zen presence, that canine mindfulness, where everything is centered on giving oneself up to relaxation, to softness, to the body—and head—supported just so, all secure in the knowledge that the choice to move is one’s own.

So we always make room for Jasper. Even if he takes up an entire sofa. Wouldn’t you? 

Where do your pets sleep?

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Posted in: Haiku, Haiku By Dog

1 Comment on "Haiku by Dog: Couch"

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  1. databbiesotrouttowne says:

    heer de couch iz scratched
    it took a veree long time
    R clawz kneaded it 🙂 ♥♥

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