Haiku by Cat: Circle
Cats are always “in.” In a box. In a bag. In a tunnel.
Today’s Haiku by Cat features Calvin, who is curled up in one of his favorite spots.
What is your cat’s (or dog’s) favorite spot to be “in?”
Cats are always “in.” In a box. In a bag. In a tunnel.
Today’s Haiku by Cat features Calvin, who is curled up in one of his favorite spots.
What is your cat’s (or dog’s) favorite spot to be “in?”
We love your Haiku! and that circle sure does look comforatble. 🙂
Thank you. It’s a great place to hide and to pounce from!
The circle looks like a good spot to be 🙂
True. It’s a perfect spot for a cat!
great haiku :o) I agree cats are always in.
Thank you. I think it’s one of the things we love about our kitties.
Cody’s “favorite” spot is anywhere he chooses 🙂
Calvin is a great philosophical mind:
“Another early idea — one that was to be espoused by many illustrious writers and artists of various periods — found perfection in the circle and the sphere. Aristotle wrote in the Physica that the circle was ‘the perfect, first, most beautiful form.’ Cicero wrote in De natura deorum (On the Nature of the Gods): ‘Two forms are the most distinctive: of solids, the sphere… and of plane figures, the circle… There is nothing more commensurate than these forms.’
In a commentary to Aristotle’s De coelo et mundo (On the Heavens and Earth), the medieval Pole, Jan of Słupcza, wrote: ‘The most perfect body ought to have the most perfect form, and such [a body] is heaven, while the most perfect form is the round form, for nothing can be added to it.’ In the famous illustrated Les très riches heures du duc de Berry, paradise is depicted as contained within an ideal sphere.
The Renaissance architect Sebastiano Serlio (1475–1554) stated: ‘the round form is the most perfect of all.’
The most excellent of 16th-century architects, Andrea Palladio, held that ‘the most perfect and most excellent’ form was ‘the round form, since of all forms it is the simplest, the most uniform, the strongest, the most capacious’ and ‘is the most suitable for rendering the unity, infinity, uniformity and righteousness of God.’ This was the same thought as in Jan of Słupcza and in Serlio, and it was one of uncommon durability.”
My cat, the philosopher. I’m so proud.
(Thanks for the lesson on circles and spheres!)
What a beautiful place to rest!
Thank you! Easy in and out and a great place to watch the world go by. (And pounce on it when it does!) 😉
That’s a great spot to hang out. We love hanging out in our tunnel.
Tunnels are almost as good as boxes. Almost. 😉
Adorable picture!