Haiku by Cat: Framed
TweetToday’s haiku is by Athena.
Looking me straight in the eye while doing something I know that she knows she shouldn’t be doing. That’s Athena for you.
I don’t think cats come with the guilt application that’s conveniently part of the installation package for dogs. Instead, they are preloaded with Catitude 2.0. And I’ve heard that torties like Athena come with an upgrade: Tortitidue 3.0.
Perhaps that explains it.
What applications did your pets come with?
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thiz just lookz like me
ewe think I’m me but I’m knot
itz de naybor cat
When in doubt, blame someone else. Good advice!
My cat definitely has Calitude 3.0
They say it’s an upgrade, though I’m not so sure.
Haha WOW that’s some look you’re getting there! Caught in the act, eh? So funny!! 😀
Athena is not doing anything wrong. She’ll tell you. It must be your imagination.
Who would do such a nasty thing?
I can’t imagine.
Yep, torties have an extra share of catitude called tortitude. We know our Astrid has an abundance of it. She never bats an eye at doing anything naughty, but Lisbeth (tuxie) is more likely to get into trouble. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
There’s enough ‘tude in this house to go around. I’m guessing your house is the same.
Nice haiku.
Thank you!
She has that look on her face that says “prove it was me.”
Exactly. And there are 3 others cats — and 3 dogs — that she can blame.
At our house that would be true as I have been the one marking the window sill in my window when I get excited seeing critters.
Probably those pesky squirrels and wabbits, I would guess.
Great Haiku, Athena. Surely a sensitive poet like you would not do such a thing to that window frame.
Never. Not Athena. 😉