Haiku by Cat: Comfort

Haiku by Cat: secret of the cat / how to lounge in pure comfort / on any surface



In today’s Haiku by Cat, Calvin  is lying in comfort…on a hard, flat, narrow surface. How do cats do that? How do they get so comfortable no matter where they are?

How about your pets? Are they like Calvin, who can relax anywhere? Or more like my dogs, who are happiest stretched out on the couch–with a pillow?

Posted in: Haiku, Haiku by Cat

10 Comments on "Haiku by Cat: Comfort"

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  1. Calvin, one classy cat : Life with Dogs and Cats | September 14, 2014
  1. Misaki says:

    I can sleep anywhere, though I’m not allowed on the kitchen counters LOL

  2. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    conga ratz two ewe
    on yur nose to nose award ♥
    total lee awesum !!!

  3. Ann Staub says:

    Well, Shiner gets really annoyed if she has to lay on a hard surface most of the time.

  4. Yeah, it’s pretty amazing that us cats can sleep almost anywhere. 🙂

    pee ess…the mom says it was great meeting you at BlogPaws…and congrats once again on your Nose-to-Nose award!

  5. My gang frequently lay in strange places and also strange positions. Somehow they have the ability to be comfortable no matter what.

    By the way, we were curious which blog post of your won the Nose-to-Nose Award for “Best Blog Post.” We’d love to check it out!

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