Technology & Pets: Your chance to win a FroliCat FLIK
TweetRecently, I received a box from FroliCat containing three of their electronic toys for cats (plus three intended for some lucky readers!)
Before opening the box, I took the dogs out for a romp in their fenced-in frolic zone (otherwise known as our back yard). Leaving them on their own for awhile, I came back in, set the box on the floor of the family room and went to get a pair of scissors.
By then, Elsa Clair was on her way.
As I began taking the items out of the box, Elsa Clair jumped in.
Because. Box.
Perhaps this was going to be one of those oft-told stories where someone buys something really special for their cat, and all Kitty wants to do is play in the box. (I’ve heard this is common with young humans as well.)
Once I put the batteries in the first toy — an automatic string teaser called the FroliCat FLIK– and turned it on, all eyes and ears and nose and tail were tuned in. It was like a siren call, as every one of my kitties — even camera-shy Dawn — showed up to see the fascinating Thing.
Athena and Elsa Clair gathered close to watch. And to ponder. Calvin observed from the safety of the Under Coffee Table Cave. Dawn kept her distance.
Looking a little like Roomba’s younger sister, the FLIK buzzed and whirred and flung a neon green string at random intervals. The string flicked, froze, flicked again, disappeared and flicked again.
A human couldn’t have done much better. One might even say it’s an improvement over human-powered string flinging. We don’t buzz. Or whir.
Athena, who never met a string she didn’t like…to eat…pounced first. Sorry, Athena, it’s attached, and you can’t swallow this one. (Though I’d never leave her unsupervised with it because she is one determined feline.)
Then Elsa Clair tried her hand, er, paw at the game.
She wanted to know where the string went.
I realized that claws were getting stuck in the carpet with each swipe, so I moved the FLIK to the kitchen floor.
Three quarters of the cats followed. Dawn was channeling her inner hipster: if it’s that popular, it’s over. She had better things to nap.

Though she tried, Elsa Clair could not pull the string out, or pull the toy. The rubber feet kept it firmly planted.
Now the wolves were at the door, and by wolves I mean Jasper, Lilah and Tucker, who had an uncanny sense that fun might be happening without them. They demanded entrance to the house.
I moved the FLIK to the buffet for continued kitty amusement, and to prevent doggy interference.
Calvin decided the crowds were too much for him, so he took refuge in the box. Which he decided was the Best Toy Ever. There was a paw-sized hole in the corner! You could reach in and grab a toy. Then hop in the box. Then reach through the hole from inside the box.
Nosy Tucker was sure something exciting was happening in that box, but upon further examination, he decided cats were weird and left to chew on a bone.
As for me, I could see the potential in this electronic string flinger. With four cats and three dogs, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that I have a few less appendages than animals. It might come in handy (can never resist a pun!) when I’m on the entertainment committee, and the next act hasn’t shown up yet. Or, when I’m otherwise occupied — cooking dinner for humans perhaps — and need a few less felines underfoot, I could see the FLIK being a perfect distraction. And I really like that it shuts off after 15 minutes. Because I may have been known to walk away from something and forget to turn it off.
Want to see the FLIK flicking? Here’s a video of Elsa Clair and Athena enjoying their new toy.
So what was the eventual winner in Toy vs. Box?
I call it a tie.
DISCLAIMER: I was given a FroliCat FLIK to test, but was not paid for this story.
Know any Cats Who Would Like a FLIK of their Own?
The winner of the Giveaway is Michelle Wolff.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Today we’re joining the Monday Mischief blog hop.
I’ve heard about this toy but haven’t yet tested it in my cats. Looks like fun–and great photos!
Thanks. At least 2 of my cats really liked it.
That looks like a very sturdy and interesting toy for cats. Your cats look so curious about it. My daughter’s cat Cinnaomon would love this toy!
Once they figured it out, the pouncing and slapping began. They really liked it.
Dixie would love to eat this before the katkids even got to play with it. I had the battery operated Frolicat lazer for about a year before Dixie came here. The katkids loved it – it took Dixie a week for find and eat it. I’ll give it another six months then try this one – hopefully Dixie will be over a year and won’t be so interested in eating it.
I only bring the toy out when the dogs are occupied. Or I put the toy on the buffet. I have a very prey-driven terrier and this toy would last about .32 seconds if I let him at it.
that’s a cool toy for cats… think Easy would like it too :o)but it’s hard to make a decision between box and toy, I agree :o)
I think you just like to play, Easy.
I haven’t seen these in person, but it looks like a cat’s dream come true! MOL!
If a cat loves string, this is really a great toy!
That toy looks like it could be a lot of fun, and the automatic shut off is brilliant. And well box did pretty well, too. This looks like the perfect toy for kitties – as Tucker would say cats are weird.
Tucker knows his kitties. He can’t figure ’em out, but he know ’em. 😉
That looks like a super cool toy! And your gang sure did enjoy it.
Oh yes, you can say that again. If they hear me turn it on, Elsa Clair and Athena come running.
That last photo is amazing! Looks like the FroliCat FLIK gift was a hit.
Thanks. Calvin does love his boxes.
That looks like lots of fun, glad it shuts itself off too.
Yes, I liked that about it, too.
Would love to try this with cat bro Bert that normally eats his toys, so he can’t have toys. I think he would love it.
This would be hard to eat, though two of my cats did try to pull the string. I wouldn’t leave them unattended, but they weren’t able to eat the string.
Super cool – I will share this with my cat friends!!
Mattiedog, A Little Dog Making a Big Difference in This World
Thanks. I have a feeling they will want to enter. 😉
I think my cat bro’s would really like this!! I will be entering! I will chase them around and around while they chase this things! It would be endless fun!
Endless entertainment and chasing I think! 😉
I know my cats would find the Flik toy fascinating. Strings rank as the number one non-living entertainment toy with my cats.A moving string would be the best thing in the whole cat world!
I hear you. If a cat likes string, it’s a pretty good bet that he or she will like this toy.
We think you proved the cat and boxes theory excellently! And what’s with Calvin, is he a fraidy cat? I always thought the girls were the scared ones but not Elsa Clair. Loved the pictures, you could really get an idea of each cat (and dog’s) personality on how they interacted with the toy. Love Dolly
Elsa Clair and Athena are the string hunters. Calvin likes the red dot better. I’ll be reviewing the FroliCat BOLT next, and that was Calvin’s favorite!
Looks like a fun cat toy. We don’t have any cats at our house – the border collies like cats a little too much – and not in a good way.
Oh, I understand. That’s why the toy has to be on the buffet when the dogs are about.
This would actually go to my mother in laws cats. My Lucie, who adopted them, doesn’t really like many toys anymore in her old age but she loves bossing the other cats as they play. 🙂
Sounds like someone will enjoy the toy!
We have the Bolt and would love to have the Flik. It sure looks like fun.
We’re reviewing (and giving away) the BOLT next!
My kitty boy brothers are 1 1/2 years old and love to play with their toys. They play fetch and bring me some favorite toys to throw. Feathers and strings are also a favorite so this would be a big hit with them.
They sound like they’d really like it!
The Frolicat Flik looks like a lot of fun! I bet that Cinco and Manna would have a blast playing with it 🙂 They love toys!
stash ,nala and nek would love to play with it
Good luck!
Hi Y’all!
Oh that is just too, too funny! BOL! Beyond weird, I agree, Tucker!
Y’all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog
My cat is indoor/outdoor and I’m desperately looking for things to help him become strictly indoor. (They say keeping formerly outdoor cats stimulated is key to successful indoor only adaptation.) This may work for him! Thanks!
Of our three cats, I think my daughter’s cat, Arata, would get the most use from this.
Are the dogs interested in this at all? Or are they happy to let the cats play with it?
That looks like a really fun toy – our guys would love it!
It looks like a lot of fun ! And you got it with a bonus : a box ! Purrs
I love that they took turns playing with it. The bottom pic is fabulous. LeeAnna at not afraid of color
That box looks like fun! And so does the FLIK. 🙂
We bet Moosey, Gracie and Zoe would love to try it out, so thanks for the chance to win one.
It appears that it would work better than the “As Seen on TV” CatsMeow toy. My cat just flipped that one over again and again. This one looks sturdy and could take my kitty’s paw punch! Plus, he loves string more than any other toy in the house.
I might even be able to share it with the cat we keep in the office (we work for a pet supplies store chain so we allow some pets at work); he would love it on those weekends when the humans aren’t around ALL Day as he usually likes.
P.S. I love the comments about your cats’ different personalities, and Tucker too! Every unique cat needs a unique toy (even if it’s just a box).
We have 6 cats of our own & take in fosters as needed – we have had up to 15 cats at one time. Cat hair is a parting gift at our house. This would be a great addition to get the older ones to be more active. Thanks!!
My cats would love this, they love playing and they would be very interested in this!
My cat Gray Boy would love this! He loves to play but has difficulty with self-play (batting around toys that don’t move by themselves). As a former street cat he’s used to chasing little critters that ran away on their own power! This would be great entertainment for him when I can’t pay long-term attention to his playful needs.
It’s genius that it turns itself off! Our cat, Nala, would be ecstatic with this toy! She loves to play! She’s batted her own toys except a few into oblivion…they’re hiding in the house somewhere 🙂 This toy would be perfect since she’s not able to hide it.
What a great toy. Out cats would love it.
I have two boys (twins from the same litter) who are as different as day and night, but both love to play. With anything, anywhere. This would be great!
Your cats look so entertained by the new toy 🙂 I have a rescue cat that would love to play with this too.
My son has 2 cats who would love this toy! Their names are Rue and Markl.
Truffle and Brulee love to be entertained and need toys they can interact with.
I’m thinking all 4 of my hooligans would love this!
Totally cool giveaway…..and we just LOVE LOVE LOVE the snowdog! Well done!
Hugs, Sammy
I would love to win this for Yoshi Kitty. Thank you for the chance to win.
This would be for our 5 meow sons, ages 3 1/2 to 1, all rescues