Suessical Names for Cats or Dogs, or How to Seussify Your Pet’s Name

Tucker, Lilah and Jasper with their favorite Dr. Seuss books

Tucker, Lilah and Jasper with their favorite Dr. Seuss books

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, I put together a list of names from among the spectaculacious characters the good doctor created.

The next time you adopt a pet, you may want to consider one of these names for your

Dog, cat, or ferret

Gerbil, rat or parrot

(Sorry, I slipped into some Suess there.)

While I sorted them into dog names and cats names and other pet names, they are, of course, interchangeable, because

no matter what pet you get,

Siamese or Basset

you’ll choose the right name

for your bestest pet yet

(Did it again.)

So without further ado or adon’t, here they are.

Dog Names

Jasper's favorite Dr. Suess book is Horton Hears Who.

Jasper’s favorite is Horton Hears Who.

Quilligan Quail (I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew)

Yookie-Ann Sue (The Butter Battle Book)

Sally Spingel Spugel Sporn (The Cat in the Hat Song Book)

Chippendale Mupp (Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book)

Conrad Cornelius O’Donald O’Dell (On Beyond Zebra)

Sylvester McMonkey McBean (The Sneetches and Other Stories)

Lolla-Lee-Lou (Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories)

Vera Violet Vinn (Dr. Seuss’s ABC)

Cat Names

Athena likes Green Eggs and Ham. But of course, she likes all food.

Athena likes Green Eggs and Ham. But of course, she likes all food.

Fredric Futzenfall (The Cat in the Hat Songbook)

Gretchen von Schwinn (Oh Say Can You Say?)

General Genghis Kan Schmitz (I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew)

Miss Fuddle-dee-Duddle (On Beyond Zebra)

Kitty O’Sullivan Krauss (Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!)

Quincy Queek (The Tooth Book)

Dr. Timpkins and Dr. Tompkins (You’re Only Old Once)

Gertrude McFuzz (Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories)

Zooie Katzen-bein (I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! And Other Stories)

Two-fers (Matching sets / of two names / for two pets)

Sneedle and Spazzim or Nazzim of Bazzim (& Nutch) (On Beyond Zebra)

Mike McCobb and Mr. Glotz (The Tooth Book)

Dr. Timpkins and Dr. Tompkins (You’re Only Old Once)

Skrink and Skritz (I Had Trouble Getting to Solla Sollew)

Gack and Gox (One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish)

Thidwick the Moose and Tree-Spider (Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose)

Quilligan Quail and General Genghis Kan Schmitz (I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew)

Fizz-ma-wizza-ma-dill and Flustard (If I Ran the Zoo)

Fibbel, Flummox and Foon (If I Ran the Circus) Okay, so that was three. 

Any Pet Names

Calvin likes One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. In fact, he likes all fishes.

Calvin likes One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. In fact, he likes all fishes.

The Fuddnudler brothers of Oh Say Can You Say, provide perfect names for just about anyone:

“There are Bipper and Bud

And Skipper and Jipper

And Jeffrey and Jud,

Horatio, Horace and Hendrix and Hud,

And then come Dinwoodie and Dinty and Dud,

Also Fitzsimmon and Frederick and Fud,

And Slinkey and Stinkey and Stuart and Stud.

And, down at the bottom

Is poor little Lud.

But if Lud ever sneezes,

His name will be MUD.”

How to Suessify your Current Pet’s Name

If you’ve already named your pets, here’s a fun way to Suessify their names for the day.

Step 1

Replace the first letter of your pet’s first name with the fifth letter past it in the alphabet.(skipping the vowels.) My dog Lilah’s first name begins with L. Five letters from L is Q. So that makes Quilah.

If you get to the end of the alphabet — if your pet’s name begins with V and beyond — start back at the beginning of the alphabet, counting in from A.

If your pet’s name begins with a vowel, put the letter in front of her name.

If your pet already has multiple names, change out the first letter in each name.

Step 2

For a female dog, add “Von.”

For a male dog, add “Mac.”

For a female cat, add “O’.”

For a male cat, add “Mac.”

Step 3

Add the name of your pet’s favorite toy of the moment, replacing the first letter of the toy with same letter you already used in Step 1.

Lilah likes her white tiger stuffie today, so she becomes Quilah Von Quiger.

Calvin likes crinkle paper today. So he’s Halvin McHinklepaper.

Elsa Clair, whose favorite toy of the day is a catnip banana, becomes Jelsa Jair O’Janana.


Tell us in the comments your pet’s Suessified name.


Posted in: Cat Funny, Dog Funny, Funny

4 Comments on "Suessical Names for Cats or Dogs, or How to Seussify Your Pet’s Name"

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  1. Pailey Von Chew
    Gaphod Mac Disc

    Happy Dr. S Day!

  2. meowmeowmans says:

    Hahaha. Those are great! Great list of names for the animals coming into the shelter. 🙂

    Happy Dr. Seuss Day, sweet pals!

  3. MOL ! Those are great names ! Happy Dr Seuss Day ! Purrs

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