Rupert Fawcett features dog mischief in Off The Leash Comics
TweetIf you have more than one dog–or cat–you’ve probably noticed that no matter how many pets you have, they somehow expand to fit the space available. Let me amend that–they expand to fit the most comfortable space available.
How many of you have seen your dogs or cats take up the entire couch and thought, “Oh, I’ll just sit somewhere else.”
Me too.
Or maybe you’re already on the comfy chair, and one of your pets–usually the hundred-pound Shepherd mix as opposed to the twenty-pound terrier–finds a way to squeeze into that spot right next to you that a guinea pig would find a tight fit.
We’re not alone. If you’ve ever seen the Off The Leash comics of Rupert Fawcett, you’d know that for sure. And, like me, you probably shared them with like-minded friends.
His hilarious comics–usually found on his blog or Facebook page–have been gathered into a book that will be on sale here in the US starting tomorrow.
I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Rupert a few days ago–through the magical wonder of Skype.

Elsa Clair is not impressed that I’m interviewing Rupert Fawcett. Maybe if he wrote a book about cats….
I received an advance copy of his book, which I shared with Jasper, Lilah and Tucker.
They drew sticks and Jasper got to read it first.
The best part is, I am holding a special giveaway to celebrate the publication of Rupert’s book: a personalized autographed copy of Off The Leash, and a signed print of one of Rupert Fawcett’s comics.
Check back on the site on Tuesday to read my story and for details on how to win!
Today we’re participating in the Monday Mischief blog hop. Stop by and visit some of the fun blogs below.
I love Rupert’s comics. How lucky that you got to interview him!
I thought you might be a fan. His work is especially amusing to those of us with multiple dogs. 😀
the cartoon looks totally familiar to me :o) my grampy once said: you have to be fast in this house to get a place on the sofa :o)
oh yes, happened again last night. Dad got up to go to the kitchen, Cole got in his chair and curled up. Dad just found another chair.
LeeAnna at not afraid of color
Lucky you! Off the Leash is one of my favorite things in the world!
Love these comics, they are so funny and truthful. Any pet parent would get a good laugh.
How incredibly cool was that interview? Nice post, and what a wonderful giveaway! Can’t wait to read about the interview!
I can relate, my dogs have Velcro parts that stick to me when I sit down.
We love his comics! You are so lucky to have gotten to interview him!
I see his comics a lot on facebook. Always so true! Looks like a fun book!
I don’t know. I think small dogs have magically expanding powers. Mr. N takes up way more space on the bed than any six pound dog should.
That cartoon strip is CLASSIC. That happens here. A lot. 🙂
How cool!! We love the off the leash comic strips!! I’m still working on trying to emulate getting on the sofa with the humans, still not working out too well for me though, doh!
I hope you’re having a fun day,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Oh what fun. Sounds like a gweat book.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
We’re going through the space issue right now with Rhette! Love the cartoons thanks for sharing! Love Dolly
Love that comic, it’s absolutely perfect. I’m not familiar with his work so now I’m looking forward to checking it out. Our dog now is allowed on all the furniture, but growing up we had big lab that didn’t enjoy such freedoms.. He would always do what the dog’s doing in the comic very slowly, just waiting to see if it was OK. I’d always let him up, and even my parents who had set the no furniture rule couldn’t resist his sweetness. And yes, it’s always the big dogs that want to get right next to you.