Text from Dog: My Treat

#TextFromDog I think one of the cats just used the litterbox. Me: Ah. Ok. Thanks. I'll go clean it up. Dog: You don't have to, you know. I could do it for you. Me: Eww, Lilah. That's disgusting! Dog: No. That's a treat!

You gonna kiss me with that mouth?

Ah, the joy of living with dogs and cats.

The dogs are thrilled that the cats leave them delicious presents in their litter boxes. The human? Not so much.

This is why we have several barriers to allow cats to go certain places and restrict the treat-seeking dogs from those locations. This includes gates that stay closed but have a small pass-through for the kitties, and of course, my favorite The Door Buddy, an ingenious yet simple, inexpensive latch that allows a door to open just wide enough for the cats of the house to pass through, but not enough for the resident pups.

In our home, the magical combination of gate and latch are what’s enabled us to prevent the canine version of potty mouth. 

(Full disclosure: I highly recommend both, and if you do happen to purchase either one through those links, I will receive a small percentage of the sale.)

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2 Comments on "Text from Dog: My Treat"

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  1. Hahahaha. Eww. I imagine you have more than one poop bandit 🙂

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