Text from Cat: Dinner is late

Text from Cat: It's dinner time. You've been outside for hours. Me: It's been 7 minutes


Ever get that feeling you’re being watched?

When it’s dinner time, my cats scrutinize my every move. They know the routine. They know what is supposed to happen — and when. Any change from the normal order of things will result in kitty consternation and vocal complaints.

So if I decided the dogs needed a potty break at the wrong time — by feline figuring — I’ll hear about it.

Even if I’m out of earshot.

Do your pets tell you when it’s dinner time?

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13 Comments on "Text from Cat: Dinner is late"

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  1. Daisy says:

    LOL So true! I love that photo!!

  2. Kitties Blue says:

    We know when it is time for breakfast and dinner (as does our neighbor cat who comes here for second breakfast and dinner). We all can be found in our appointed eating stations, jumping, wiggling and meowing. We are having a giveaway for a really great book. Please stop by. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. easy rider says:

    I agree… if you are hungry every minute feels like a year…our stomach clocks are very sensitive :o)

  4. Earl Lover says:

    Haha. I have to agree with Elsa Clair though, hehehehe!!!!! Food can’t wait.


  5. Emma says:

    Okay, I have to ask…was my cat bro Bert involved in the writing of this post??? He is the same way, and if it is too late, he start shredding toilet paper in the bathroom next to the room where his food is stored!

  6. jan says:

    That is the exact attitude I live with. I think my cat wrote it.

  7. MOL! When it comes to dinner time, we can be pretty impatient too.

  8. MOL ! Dinner time can’t wait ! Purrs

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