Text from Cat: Darkness approaches
TweetOne would think there’s enough sun for everyone.
Recently, though, the favored sunny spots are found in our dining room. Since our cats aren’t huge fans of cats other than themselves, this sometimes results in discussions about who owns which spot.
I believe Athena figured out that a strategically cast shadow throws a bit of a damper on the desirability of a particular spot.
Calvin eventually —and reluctantly — moved on to warmer climes on the other side of the room.
Do your pets enjoy basking in the sun?
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HAHAHA That’s too funny!!
😀 A typical day in our house…
Sun spots are staked out and guarded at our house.
Don’t we know it!
Very funny 🙂
I think a sunblocker behind you is better than a sightblocker in front of you lol
Ooh… good point!
Do not block the sunbeam! MOL! MOL!
Of course, Calvin could go around behind Athena and block her.
Sun spot thieves are ruthless!
I know, right? So heartless.
MOL ! Purrs
We love a good sunpuddle…though we’re not good about sharing it.
“Share” doesn’t translate well in Cat.
Bwahaha! Thanks for the laugh. 🙂
It’s so like Athena, too, to sneak up and just sit there.
We have 5 cats living in our house (I only own 3). They will have discussions throughout the day as who gets the window sill perch and sit in the sun
Oh, I know about those “discussions!”