Text from Cat: A shadow of herself

Text from Cat: My shadow is beautiful. Like me.

Athena could have been looking at a bug. Or a dust mote. Or a speck of dirt on the floor that I missed. But I think otherwise.

When cats look at things intensely, it’s usually for one of two reasons:

1) They want to hunt it.

2) They love it.

That cat is looking at her shadow. Admiring its classic lines, its simple beauty. The essence of her catness looks gorgeous even in two dimensions.

What’s not to love?

Do your pets notice their shadows?

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7 Comments on "Text from Cat: A shadow of herself"

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  1. Daisy says:

    Athena is beautiful in every dimension! I don’t blame her for admiring her shadow, it’s purrfect. 😉

  2. BOW WOW, Athena seems to be a great hunter!

  3. Anne says:

    She’s right, you know. Her silhouette is perfect!

  4. meowmeowmans says:

    Athena, we agree with you. Your shadow is lovely, just like you!

  5. Why to be modest when you are purrfect ? We agree with you, Athena. Purrs

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