Text from Cat: Disgruntled customer
When it’s always Cat Dinner Time, then dinner is always late. I think that’s the gist of today’s Text from Cat.
How do your pets let you know when it’s dinner time? What do they do when you’re late?
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We know that it is breakfast or dinner time when we hear our bowls come out of the cupboard, but our tummy alarms do go off at 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., and we will usually start hanging around the kitchen at those times. Dawn does look quite miffed at having to wait for her dinner. You just need to do better, Mom Susan. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
My cat bro Bert shreds the toilet paper in the half bath if his meals are late!
My cat thinks she IS the management. And queen, empress…
We dogs feel the same when dinner is late!
Two of my cats actually yell at me. The other one puffs herself up and stares at me as though I have offended her greatly.
Haha. That’s exactly what our cats would say. They usually start “talking” and trying to guide us towards the kitchen when their clocks say it’s time to eat. 🙂
Oh, by the way, we are sorry for not getting back to you earlier about the question you left in a comment on our post about cat wall hammocks. One of our awesome volunteers, Rick, MADE them! Pretty cool, huh?
Call the ASPCA!
It’s so hard to get good help. *sighs* What we cats put up with.
Nissy #Niss4Senate – tell the PM, today.
You hit the nail on the head – it’s ALWAYS dinner time. Our kitties start getting testy and aggravated when we are “late.” Caster and Sassy in particular get hangry – a combination of angry and hungry. When Caster gets hangry, he beats up on everyone. Dawn, we hope your mom FINALLY got your dinner to you 😉